Saturday, April 12, 2014

Circa June 2013

Because sometimes you need a little reminder of how fast these babies of ours change. This was not even a year ago when Nate and I took the girls camping at Bonham State Park.

I've been reading a lot lately in my studies and preparation for birth, about families, eternal families to be more specific. My heart is so happy when I think of the family our Heavenly Father brought me to through the sealing of Nate and I.  I know the Lord has a specific plan for each of us. It's beyond words to describe how blessed I feel that He has chosen Nate and I as protectors over these sweet children. I love them so.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Wonderous Years

Ever watch an episode of The Wonder Years? You know how throughout some of the shows they sprinkle them with home videos? Well, I felt like this is exactly what was happening to our family Sunday afternoon after church. Nate and I were enjoying the wonderful weather, eating our homemade dessert, all while watching our three daughters thrive in the love they have for each other and the love we have for them. I felt like I was in the middle of one of those blissful family home videos. 

Not only were our older two showing Winnie the ropes of downhill bike riding, but Nate was home to witness it! The past almost two months have been a little trying with him being gone for weeks at a time. I didn't want the weekend to end!

So, here they are, our fantastic little gals in all their bike riding glory. Notice Winnie keeps her feet up the entire ride downhill. That's what I call a balance bike success story! Seriously y'all, balance bikes are the coolest thing ever! Not only have all our girls started riding bikes super early, but they have done so without training wheels.

What was even cuter than the toddler cruising down the hill was when they got to the bottom of the and Charly and Piper giggled up a storm while embracing each other. Then, for the long journey back up, which they traveled at least twenty times.
On another note, here they are digging underneath the trampoline a few weeks ago. They are breaking in the Tonka toys for their little brother Ephraim. Of course, when the Campbell girls play with the tractors, they must include miss Pinky Pie (the little pony). Good times.