Monday, February 3, 2014

I Should Have Known

Hello, Monday! The Campbell household is slowly recovering from our incredible weekend, although, I am still pinching myself and wondering if the last three days have all been one very long dream. Saturday night, I did not sleep a wink. All I could think about was how it will be to have a son, I also think I was afraid to close my eyes fearing this was all just a dream. Thoughts have been running wild through my mind all weekend and I just can't stop talking to myself about everything I'm thinking. Mostly, though, I've been thinking of the symptoms and happenings that have occurred up to this point that I should have really known our little babe was in fact a boy. Here is my "should have known" list....

1. My pregnancy symptoms have been quite different from any of the girls. First, there was the breast tenderness, something I have NEVER experienced. Let's not forget the constant feeling of hunger despite eating all the time and never feeling full. THAT should have been my first clue there is a little boy growing in there.  And, of course, there was the sever nausea that went on and on and on leading me in bed for two months. Seriously, it was bad! So bad, I have been convinced I will never be pregnant again. While I still almost stand by that statement, I find myself not so sure anymore. Finding out that we are having a son makes it all so worth it! The severe nausea makes so much sense to me now, it was necessary. Did it suck, of course, but it is all worth it! By the way, I'm still working down the dosage on my anti-nausea medicine.

2. One of the coolest things that's happened during the pregnancy is the personal revelations Nate and I received about this baby.  Normally, I don't know if I would be so open about this but I feel like it's OK to share these experiences. I have already mentioned  how Nate has had a boy name on his mind even before I got pregnant, but there is something even cooler related to this experience. From the onset, we have talked about names and Nate has felt very strongly about the name he has had on his mind. I, on the other hand, have not been such a fan of the name. It's not a weird or made-up name but it is somewhat different and not heard of often,  and it sounds like another name that I wouldn't chose for our babe. I've not really been on board with it, although, I trusted that Nate has had strong feelings about it and respected that so I was OK with going along with it. Then we get to finding out we are having a boy. Remember, up until this point I wasn't so fond of the name. As soon as we opened the gift, the first thought I had was the name Nate has been talking about. I knew with a surety that would be his name, and the thought melted my core. I love how, at just the right moment and in the perfect time, the Lord allowed for me a change of heart. He works kind of perfectly in that regard, doesn't He? So, what's the name? You'll have to wait until the birth for that one, for now, I have loads of nicknames for the little prince.

3. Another early pregnancy experience, which is my favorite, occurred during a weekly Family Home Evening lesson. This one makes me just want to shout for joy! I can't even believe I didn't have to faith to trust this feeling I had at the time I had it! We got on the topic of temples and eternal families and I had the strong feeling in my heart that this was a boy and when he leaves on his mission, it will be the first time all of us, as a family, will be able to go through the temple together!  I remember even saying, 'Yep, this is a boy, he is our missionary and this is going to happen!'. My heart burned, I knew it was true! I imagined all three girls married, and Nate and I watching little brother go through the temple. Brings tears to my eyes even thinking about what a special day it will be to have my whole family in the temple at the same time.  I guess as time went on I forgot how strong I felt about that event, and then of course had to throw in some self doubt as to whether or not it was just wishful thinking. Weird how that works, isn't it?

I know there are more, but for now this is all I'm able to recall. I will definitely write them down as they come to me. I'm having a stronger desire to blog more often and document the happenings surrounding our family as we prepare to welcome a little brother!

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